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WeeklyMTG | Opening Bloomburrow plus Q&A

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Zawartość panelu

Zawartość panelu

Zawartość panelu

Zawartość panelu

Zawartość panelu

Zawartość panelu

Mythic Invitational

March 28-31, 2019
From PAX East

Mythic Championship II

April 26-28, 2019
London, UK

Zawartość panelu


  • No racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or transphobic comments. Be civil to other chatters, moderators, players, coverage commentators and streamers. This means no personal attacks. Understand that you don’t get to be the arbiter of what is or is not an attack.
  • Keep chat about the game of Magic!
  • No profanity. You may be old enough to curse like a sailor, but kids play this game, too.
  • No all caps posts and no links. Our mod bot will remove your post.
  • Spamming is not permitted in chat. We want chat to be a useful resource for viewers. So when it is getting spammed, and lines are flying by, it isn’t a useful resource for viewers. If the chat is all spamming a line, you only have to post it once to be considered adding to the spam in the channel.
  • Remember: you’re a member of the best community on the planet! Have fun, keep the chat a fun and positive place for everyone, and enjoy the games!

Useful MTGBot Commands

  • !help: Displays a link to the MTGBot Commands page
  • !card [CARDNAME]: Displays the Oracle text of [CARDNAME]
  • !explain [TOPIC]: MTGBot explains what the [TOPIC] is


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