Fanowski patch do Dragon Age: Origins

  • Autor: Kamila Zielińska
  • Opublikowano: 22 Styczeń 2019
  • Komentuj 0

Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack to fanowski patch, który powstawał prawie 10 lat. W kwietniu 2010 roku Paul Escalona rozpoczął prace nad poprawkami do zbugowanego, ale wciąż genialnego Dragon Age: Początek. Dziś efekty powalają, a lata pracy nie pójdą na marne.

Patch naprawia prawie 800 błędów, które pojawiły się oryginalnie w grze. Ostatnia aktualizacja moda miała miejsce zaledwie w listopadzie poprzedniego roku i aż zdziwienie mnie ogarnia, że wcześniej nie zrobiło się głośno na jego temat. To co szokuje najbardziej, to przywrócenie przez jego twórcę usuniętej z gry zawartości (część dostaliśmy w formie DLC, ale część przepadłaby na wieki, gdyby nie Paul i jego patch). Czy to nie jest doskonały powód żeby powrócić do Thedas i jeszcze raz przywrócić wielkość Szarym Strażnikom?

Niestety, w 2017 roku strona Paula poświęcona modowi musiała zostać zamknięta, od tej pory patcha możecie pobrać bezpiecznie tylko z Mod nie ingeruje w mechanikę walki, ani w dodatki do Origins (z drobnymi wyjątkami), ale lista rzeczy dodanych i poprawionych robi wrażenie. Uważajcie jednak, bo zawiera spojlery! Jeśli więc nie chcecie psuć sobie zabawy, to odpuśćcie sobie fragment z ramki.

 Zmiany w patchu:

Restored all broken codex entries (aside from a handful in the "Controls" section)
Restored human female cocky soundset
Restored option to show mercy to Mandar Dace if fighting him during the Dwarf Noble Origin
Restored dozens of scripted approval changes, particularly when first meeting various followers
Restored 3 different reactions each to breakups with Morrigan and Zevran, depending on approval level
Restored harsh breakup with Leliana
Restored turning Morrigan in as an apostate to Greagoir
Restored dialogue when taking Morrigan to Flemeth's hut during her personal quest
Restored the proper extended ending to Flemeth's Real Grimoire quest.
Restored several conversations with Oghren in the Deep Roads
Restored Oghren asking to join the party permanently after a king is crowned
Restored long dialogue with Wynne about Connor, and fixed bugs usually preventing another long dialogue with her between "Rescue the Queen" and the Landsmeet
Restored 18 interparty banters that previously would not play at all
Restored Alistair's intended warnings when you are about to be attacked by stealthed darkspawn in the Korcari Wilds
Restored Alistair introducing you to Ser Donall in Lothering
Restored being able to distract Lanaya (with very high persuade/cunning) long enough to steal her Songbook without getting caught
Restored the ability to heal Deygan in "Wounded in the Forest"
Restored ability to turn Godwin in to Greagoir
Restored several ambient dialogues between Redcliffe villagers and Shale
Restored non-functioning morale boosts/penalties to the Redcliffe militia and knights depending on how you prepared them for Attack at Nightfall
Restored combat shouts and calls for healing by Redcliffe militia and knights during Attack at Nightfall, which vary depending on morale and sobriety
Restored Sophie's Guard being able to catch you ransacking Sophie's room in the Gnawed Noble Tavern
Restored 3 of the 5 intended ways to be able to Steal the Teyrns Crown
Restored Haven alternate shopkeeper if you side with the Cultists
Restored exchange between the beggar and a guard in the Hall of Heroes
Restores the broken Jowan's Intentions Chanter Board quest
Restores the intended final reward for completing all Chanter's Board quests
Restored Vartag confronting you in the Provings if you fought for Harrowmont after agreeing to work for Bhelen
Restored the ability for a dwarf noble who didn't kill Trian to be exonerated
Restored the ability for a dwarf noble to complete "Of Noble Birth" properly
Restored ability for Shale to come rescue you during "Captured!"
Restored interjections by Leliana, Morrigan and/or Sten during the Landsmeet if you are betrayed by Anora
Restored Alistair thanking you for not making him king
Restored dialogue between Loghain and Anora in Redcliffe Castle after the Landsmeet
Restored the last two "Story So Far" updates in the game.
Restored many location based party comments and follower interjections during dialogues
Restored 13 previously unobtainable items in game


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